Home / Sustainability / Strategy & Targets

Our sustainability strategy includes environmental, social and governance measures, and guides us in our daily sustainability work, caring and creating value for people – customers, employees, and society in general.

How we contribute to society

Make a Difference

for people and communities

Take Responsibility

to support solving society’s challenges


on areas where we have the most impact

Sustainable Mindset

An integrated part of our operations is to improve our social, environmental and climate impact across the entire value chain, contributing with solutions to face many challenges in our society, like climate change, socio-economic differences, and housing shortage. We care for employees, customers, suppliers, and society, promote good health and secure living and working conditions, and safe and inclusive neighbourhoods.

As part of our strategy, we hold a lifelong perspective on properties, value, and preserve older properties by carefully upgrading them, build new apartments to decrease housing shortages and use natural resources in a responsible manner. We address climate change through sustainable energy solutions, energy and water efficiency and biodiversity measures such as pollinating plants, green roofs, and storm water management.

Through sharing knowledge and expertise, we inspire others to contribute and make a positive difference, an enrichment for our industry and society.

Targets and Focus Areas

Friendly Workplace Icon


Create a safe, inclusive and inspiring workplace with equal opportunities for all our employees

Focus Areas

  • Trust-based leadership
  • Opportunity to grow
  • Gender equality
  • Health & Safety
  • Diversity, inclusion and belonging

2026 Targets

  • Leadership score in employee survey: 8.51
  • Job satisfaction score in employee survey: 8.51
  • Temperature score in employee survey: 8.51
  • <5% sick leave2
  • 0 work related injuries
  • Gender equality in Group Management Team: 50-502

1 Long-term target. 2 Include both short and long-term sickness.

Customer Care Icon


Create safe and inclusive homes and neighbourhoods for all our customers

Focus Areas

  • Feeling of safety
  • Feeling of community
  • Responsible landlord

2026 Targets

  • ‘Service index’ in customer survey: 80% by 2026
  • ‘Take customer seriously’ in customer survey: 86% by 2026
  • ‘Security’ in customer survey: 80% by 2026
Sustainable Properties Icon

Sustainable Properties

Focus Areas

  • Emissions Reduction
  • Energy efficiency
  • Renewable energy generation
  • Water efficiency
  • Biodiversity and Ecosystems


  • Reduce absolute scope 1, 2, and 3 GHG emissions covering downstream leased assets1 42% by 2030 from a 2020 base year2.
  • Commits that 27% of its suppliers by spend covering purchased goods and services, will have science-based targets by 2027.3
  • Reduce the amount of purchased energy by, on average, 2% per sqm per year till 20254 (like for like basis, 2019 baseline)
  • Include renewable energy generation in all newbuilds
  • At least 1% reduced water consumption per sqm and year until 2030 (like-for-like, baseline 2019)
  • Ecosystem services shall be evaluated for all new builds and major projects. At least the same amount of ecosystem services, or more, must be recreated

1 Energy purchased by tenants. 2 The target boundary includes biogenic land related emissions and removals from bioenergy feedstocks. 3 Does not have to be validated by SBTi. 4 Degree-day corrected value.

Society and Neighbourhoods Icon


Create a safe and inclusive society for everyone

Focus Areas

  • Inclusive housing
  • Inclusive Jobs
  • Impact beyond daily operations through partnerships

2026 Targets

  • 240 inclusive jobs by 2026
  • 5000 inclusive housing contracts by 2026
Governance and Reporting Icon


Focus Areas

  • ESG Strategy, policies & anti-corruption
  • Risk & opportunity management
  • Supply chain Sustainability
  • Reporting
  • Stakeholder engagement

2026 Targets

  • 100% of employees have signed the Code of Conduct for employees and have completed training
  • 100% of contracted suppliers sign the Business Partner Principles.

Some of our key priorities in 2024:

Leaf Icon

Monitor ESG strategy implementation and corresponding local plans, including the Climate Roadmap and Social Roadmap, in all countries.

Target Icon

Strengthen our waste management across all markets.

Binoculars Icon

Improve climate risk and vulnerability assessments process.

World Icon

Prepare the organisation to report in accordance with CSRD and the EU Taxonomy.

Recycle Icon

Continue our Human Rights Due Diligence journey, applying it throughout the value chain.