Heimstaden is dedicated to ensuring quality reporting and we are continuously building organisational capacity and strengthening data quality and availability.

Heimstaden’s Sustainability reporting is prepared and reported in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards and includes climate-related disclosures in line with TCFD recommendations. The Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG) is applied when calculating greenhouse gas emissions.

Reporting Standards

Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)

Heimstaden Bostad's Annual Sustainability Report for 2023 is prepared and reported in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards. We have conducted an updated double materiality analysis and identified the following material GRI areas to report on: Anti-Corruption; Economic Performance; Tax; Energy; Emissions; Waste; Employment; Occupational Health and Safety; and Local Communities. Additionally, we maintain a structured, long-term approach to water use, biodiversity, and human rights, and report accordingly.

Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)

We follow TCFD’s recommendations and have accordingly carried out an updated scenario analysis in 2023, dividing climate-related risks into regulatory, technological, market, reputation, acute, and systemic risks. The aim of TCFD’s recommendations is to provide investors with information about the risks and opportunities that a transition to a society with lower carbon emissions and a changing climate entail.

EU Taxonomy

We started reporting on the EU Taxonomy Regulation in 2021. In 2023, we have reported according to objective 1 (Climate Change Mitigation) of the EU Taxonomy and have assessed that we have activities eligible in the objectives Climate Change Adaptation and Circular Economy as well.


Heimstaden Bostad received a CDP score of B for FY 2022, higher than the group average of land and property developers.

CDP is the world’s largest survey of corporations’ ambitions on climate change and environmental protection. By participating, companies provide investors with an objective view on how well they are dealing with climate change.

Read more on CDP's homepage

Read Heimstaden Bostad’s 2023 CDP report


Sustainalytics is a widely respected evaluator of ESG and has validated Heimstaden Bostad's efforts towards mitigating climate change by giving us an improved ESG rating year-by-year, despite a stricter evaluation method every year. Heimstaden Bostad's ESG Risk rating for the year 2022 is 7.4, which places us in the 'Negligible Risk' category, building credibility and legitimacy towards our sustainability work.

Read Heimstaden Bostad’s 2023 Sustainalytics Report

Download: Key Sustainability Statistics