An audit of the Company’s financial accounts shall be performed by an independent auditor to determine whether they are materially accurate and complete and provide a fair view of the Company and its financial position and results. The auditor also ensures that the financial accounts are prepared according to applicable laws and regulations. Moreover, the auditor reviews the administration of the Board and the CEO.

In accordance with Heimstaden Bostad’s Articles of Association, Heimstaden Bostad shall have one or two independent auditors, and a maximum of two registered public accounting firms.

At the 2023 AGM, Ernst & Young AB was appointed as auditor for a term expiring at the end of the next AGM. Jonas Svensson is the auditor in charge.

Ernst & Young AB

Jakobsbergsgatan 24
111 44 Stockholm
Phone: +46-8-520 590 00
Corporate identity number: 556053-5872

Auditor Remuneration
SEK million 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019
Audit assignment 29 29 24 13 12
Other assurance services 3 2 5 2 4
Other services - 1 - - -
Total 32 29 29 15 16